Mohammed v Daji [2024] EWCA Civ 1247

Judgment Date: 21 Oct 24

The Court of Appeal has handed down judgment in Mohammed v Daji [2024] EWCA Civ 1247, a significant case relating to the ownership of the Abbey Mills Mosque in West Ham and the split within the Tablighi Jamaat movement of Islam. The judgment of Newey LJ discusses various aspects of judicial fact-finding...

Mohammed v Patel [2024] EWHC 2581 (Ch)

Judgment Date: 11 Oct 24

Maxim Cardew represented the successful applicants in Mohammed v Patel [2024] EWHC 2581 (Ch) in their application for a declaration and injunctive relief calling for fresh elections to the Executive Committee of a Charity operating a substantial mosque. The case concerned the correct construction of the constitution of the Charity (an unincorporated...

Nederlandse Financierings-maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden NV v Societe Bengaz SA [2024] EWHC 901 (Comm)

Judgment Date: 22 Apr 24

Oscar Trustee Limited v MBS Software Solutions Limited (2024)

Judgment Date: 04 Apr 24

In Oscar Trustee Limited v MBS Software Solutions Limited, Mr Justice Webster has dispelled the Halliwel myth that r 7.14 of the BVI CPR (now r 7.17) is a freestanding source of power to grant permission to serve an application out of the jurisdiction. Oscar Trustee had pursued a claim against a...

Transwaste Recycling and Aggregates Limited

Judgment Date: 19 Feb 24

This was an unfair prejudice petition which sought to challenge transactions worth in excess of £45million on the basis that they formed part of a deliberate and unlawful scheme on the part of the majority to divert profits from the company. Gabriella McNicholas acted for the Respondents, led by...

LCIA Arbitration: shareholder dispute concerning £1bn family-owned group.

Judgment Date: 19 Feb 24

Shareholder dispute concerning £1bn family-owned group.