Namalco v Estate Management and Business Development Company Ltd

Judgment Date: 26 Apr 22

The High Court of Trinidad & Tobago has handed down judgment in Namalco v. Estate Management and Business Development Company Ltd (EMBD) CV 2016 01522, finding an unlawful means conspiracy between mega contractor Namalco Construction and ex-senior officials of the Government entity EMBD to inflate prices for the development of roads and housing...

Convoy Collateral Ltd v Broad Idea International Ltd & Anor (2021)

Judgment Date: 04 Oct 21

The appeal concerned the jurisdiction of the Courts of the British Virgin Islands to grant freezing orders in support of foreign proceedings, to permit service of an application claiming only freestanding freezing relief out of the jurisdiction, and to injunct third parties to the underlying proceedings against whom no substantive...

Ming Siu Hung v JF Ming Inc. UKPC 27 (2021)

Judgment Date: 14 Jan 21

Following his ruling that his failure to provide the minority with the Company’s financial statements as required by the Company’s articles constituted unfair prejudice, Leon J had ordered that the majority shareholder buy the shares of the minority. The Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal upheld his finding of...

VTB Bank (public joint-stock company) & Ors v Campino & Ors

Judgment Date: 19 Oct 20

The Isle of Man’s Staff of Government Division has allowed an appeal and made a disclosure order against a non-cause of action defendant to a freezing order and interveners who were contending that a freezing order should be discharged. In doing so, the Court affirmed the flexibility of the...

Convoy Collateral Ltd v Broad Idea International Ltd & Cho Kwai Chee (2020)

Judgment Date: 01 Apr 20

Summary The Court of Appeal of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court has dismissed an appeal against the discharge of a Black Swan freezing injunction for want of jurisdiction over the second respondent, Dr Cho. In doing so, the Court of Appeal affirmed the applicability of the Privy Council’s judgment...