Call: 2005

Alec McCluskey is a highly experienced commercial and chancery practitioner, with particular expertise in banking and financial services disputes, fraud claims, insolvency, and company and partnership/joint venture matters. His cases often involve international elements or issues concerning asset tracing, trusts and property. He has wide experience of freezing and proprietary injunctions and related interim remedies.

Alec is recommended by the directories for Chancery: Commercial, Banking and Finance, Company and Partnership, and has been described as “Incredibly intelligent, incredibly user-friendly and liked by clients”, “frighteningly clever but also absolutely great with lay clients”, “Incredibly bright and a delight to work with” and “an outstanding advocate who goes above and beyond”.

In court, Alec has been praised by the directories as “Brilliantly clever, personable and fantastic on his feet”, “A superb advocate”, “Incredibly tenacious and proactive” and “a very, very classy performer”.

Alec holds a Double First in Greats from Merton College, Oxford, and completed his law conversion at City University. He was awarded the Chapman Scholarship by the Inner Temple and was placed top in his year at Bar School, winning the prestigious Scarman Scholarship and the Stephen Seabrooke Memorial Prize.

  • Expertise

    • Commercial Litigation & Arbitration

      Alec acts both as sole counsel and as part of a team in wide ranging and often high value and complex commercial litigation and arbitration spanning a range of industries including banking, financial services, IT, media & entertainment, natural resources, wealth and asset management and property development.  His cases often involve challenging issues of jurisdiction, choice of law and contractual interpretation.

      Directories say Alec is “the whole package” has a “commercial and user-friendly approach”, “extremely good strategic sense” and is “Incredibly tenacious and proactive”.

      Notable Cases include

      • Winslet v Gisel [2021] 4 WLUK 241. Successfully resisting a challenge to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court, establishing a precedent on the operation of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 art.7(1)(b) to contracts of loan.
      • Bains v Arunvill Capital Ltd [2020] EWCA Civ 545 and [2019] EWHC 1749 (Ch). Acting for the successful defendants at trial and in successive appeals in what is now a leading case on the operation of contractual material breach clauses.
      • X v Y: Acting in a complex arbitration concerning a cross border merger and the interplay of the company laws of a number of different jurisdictions.
      • X v Y: Acting for the claimant in a substantial arbitration arising out of the supply of materials for oil and gas installations.
      • X v Y: Acting for the defendant in relation to a multi-million pound claim arising out of the sale of a business, raising complex questions of choice of law, jurisdiction clauses and anti-suit injunctions.
      • Joseph v LEBC Group Limited [2018] EWHC 876 (Comm): Acting for the defendant to a claim seeking to challenge the valuation of a business pursuant to an expert determination clause.
      • Tech 21 (UK) Ltd v Design Blue Ltd [2017] EWHC 2288 (Ch) and [2017] EWHC 2722 (Pat): Acting for the claimant in a complex claim raising a combination of commercial and intellectual property issues.
      • JD Wetherspoon Plc v Harris and others [2013] EWHC 1088 (Ch): Acting on behalf of JD Wetherspoon plc in their successful action raising allegations of fraud against their former property finders.
      • Hutchinson & Anor v Neale & Anor [2012] EWCA Civ 345: Acting for the respondents to this appeal which raised important questions of principle concerning the costs consequences where an otherwise successful party to litigation has acted dishonestly in connection with the proceedings (by tampering with a document) and given perjured evidence at trial.
    • Civil Fraud

      Alec has extensive experience in high value and complex civil fraud and asset recovery litigation, often with a cross border and urgent element to it. He has experience of dealing with cases involving freezing injunctions, disclosure orders, receiverships and related relief, including where orders are required under foreign laws in support of English proceedings.


      • Acting for a consultant accused of fraudulently accepting bribes in connection with an alleged £20m+ conspiracy.
      • Acting for a defendant to a long running conspiracy claim for c.£175m arising out of the transfer of a package of security rights by a lender.
      • Assisting with obtaining disclosure and asset preservation orders against offshore fiduciaries in connection with a substantial property fraud.
      • Advising on insolvency issues and proprietary rights in a large fraud claim brought by a private family office against a fraudulent fiduciary.
      • Obtaining freezing and proprietary injunctions against parties who obtained substantial asset backed loans by deceit. Thereafter obtaining orders (including receivership orders) by way of tracing and enforcement against the proceeds of the frauds.
    • Company & Partnership

      Alec is frequently instructed in company disputes involving allegations of prejudice to minority shareholders and misconduct by directors.  Alec also acts in substantial partnership disputes either on behalf of partners themselves or on behalf of creditors of partnerships faced with complex legal or factual issues of partnership law. As well as English companies and partnerships, Alec has particular experience of multi-jurisdictional disputes raising questions of foreign company or partnership law.

      Directories say that Alec is “Very hands-on, incredibly bright and someone who sees issues straight off - including solutions to matters you'd think hopeless” and “user-friendly, very pragmatic and highly commercial.”

      Alec is the editor of the Partnership volume of Atkins’ Court Forms.

      Notable cases include:

      • Re Arnbrow Ltd; Re Westridge Estates Ltd [2023] EWHC 1771 (Ch): Acting for a respondent to complex company litigation (an unfair prejudice petition and linked double derivative claim) faced with a claim for c.£20m arising out of the operations of a group of companies over many years.  Gave rise to a significant decision on the use of company funds to pursue derivative claims.
      • X v Y: Global litigation in a number of jurisdictions arising out of the departure of a key staff member from a substantial Fast Moving Consumer Goods conglomerate,
      • Re Pyser Optics Ltd [2022] EWHC 1354 (Ch): s.994 Petition comprising one strand of litigation arising out of a range of investments made by a high net worth individual in a group of companies.
      • Re X (a partnership): Acting for the receivers of the assets of a multi million pound family partnership in a long running Chancery action concerning its dissolution.
      • A v B: Substantial international commercial arbitration arising out of the proposed consolidation of an international corporate structure, involving crossclaims alleging various breaches of duty owed to a minority shareholder.
      • X v Y: A multi-jurisdictional claim for tens of millions of dollars raising issues of the interplay of Cayman Island Limited Partnership Law with English and BVI law.
      • A Bank v X: Acting on behalf of a lender with security over assets claimed by a partnership, in litigation raising issues as to the interaction of the provision of the Partnership Act 1980 with the ability of lenders to overreach the interest of beneficiaries under a trust.
    • Insolvency & Asset Recovery

      Alec frequently acts for and advises insolvency practitioners on what are often highly technical issues arising out of all forms of insolvency proceedings.  Alec has experience of advising on and litigating about Restructuring Plans under Part 26A of the Companies Act.

      Notable cases include:

      • Re Virgin Active Holdings Ltd [2021] EWHC 814 (Ch): Acting for a tribunal appointed officer in a leading case on the operation of the new restructuring plan provisions in Part 26A of the Companies Act 2006.
      • X v Y: Advising on insolvency issues and proprietary rights in a large fraud claim brought by a private family office against a fraudulent fiduciary.
      • A v B: Acting on a cross border dispute raising questions of the interplay of English and foreign insolvency law, including complex questions of choice of law and set off.
      • Irish Reel Productions Ltd v Capitol Films Ltd [2010] EWHC 180 (Ch), [2010] Bus LR 854, [2010] BCC 588. Acted for the petitioning creditor on a winding up petition which successfully sought its costs as expenses in a subsequent administration. The case raised a novel point of law, which was decided in favour of Alec’s client.
    • Banking & Financial Services

      Alec is frequently instructed to represent and advise major financial institutions, and has particular expertise in issues relating to secured lending. Directories say “His ability to grasp key issues and to explain them to finance professionals is extraordinary” and that he “Understands the interplay of risk and reputation management in litigation strategy.” Alec’s work includes:

      • Advising leading financial institutions on their practices in relation to mortgage lending and litigation arising out of secured lending, including remediation of issues affecting sizeable portfolios of lending.
      • Representing a wide range of lenders in often hotly contested and legally complex litigation in relating to secured lending.
      • Litigation arising out of derivatives, swaps and other complex financial instruments.
      • Litigation concerning allegations of misconduct by banks such as “front running”.
      • Litigation and references to the Financial Ombudsman arising out of financial and investment advice.


      • X v Y: Acting for a defendant to a long running claim for c.£175m arising out of the transfer of a package of security rights by a lender.
      • X v Y: Acting for the claimants against a leading financial institution in a damages claim for $850m relating to commodities trading.
      • X v Y: Acting for the claimant against a high street bank in a damages claim for hundreds of millions of pounds arising out of interest rate derivatives and the actions of a “business support” unit.
      • Fern Trading Ltd v Greater Lane Ltd [2021] EWHC 1939 (Comm); [2021] EWHC 1270 (Comm): Acting for a lender which had accidentally released its security and executed a deed of release without being repaid.
      • Winslet v Gisel [2021] 4 WLUK 241: Successfully resisting a challenge to the jurisdiction of the Commercial Court, establishing a precedent on the operation of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 art.7(1)(b) to contracts of loan.
      • Clydesdale Bank Plc v Gough [2017] EWHC 2230 (Ch): Acting for the lender in a claim in which the enforceability of its security was challenged on a wide range of factual and legal grounds.
      • X v Y: Acting for the defendants to a multi-million pound claim under an aircraft mortgage, in which complex issues of foreign law and their interplay with English proceedings were raised.
      • Intesa Sanpaolo SpA v Regione Piemonte [2014] EWCA 1298; [2013] EWHC 1994 (Comm): Acting for the defendant to this claim arising out of a 1.8 billion Euro bond issue and associated derivative transactions, raising significant questions of the conflict of laws and the circumstances in which declaratory judgments in default should be set aside.
      • Lombard v Dayah v London Asset Finance (QBD, 2011): Defending a claim against a finance broker raising serious allegations of dishonesty against a hotly disputed factual background.
      • Bank of Scotland v Weisman Rovina (ChD, 2011). Acting for the Bank of Scotland on this long running lender action, raising a number of highly technical issues concerning the enforceability of charges in law and equity.
    • Real Estate

      Alec’s property litigation and advisory practice spans the range of Chambers’ practice. His notable work includes a multi-million pound service charge dispute, advisory work on a large scale restructuring of a portfolio of leases and a dispute concerning the recovery of a million pound deposit.

    • Professional Negligence

      Alec acts for both claimants and defendants in professional negligence claims, and is regularly instructed both by leading financial institutions and professional indemnity insurers in relation to claims, particularly those arising out of secured lending and financial services. Alec frequently deals with cases involving complex questions of liability and loss where security rights have been transferred or syndicated.

    • ADR

      Alec’s practice involves international and domestic arbitrations under institutional rules as well as ad hoc arbitrations and other forms of alternative dispute resolution such as adjudication under the CEDR Rules for Commercial Adjudication.

    • Media & Entertainment

      Alecs’s media and entertainment practice largely consists of litigation and arbitration involving media industry participants in connection with commercial and company disputes.

      Recent cases include:

      • Re X: Acting for the respondents to an unfair prejudice petition arising out of the activities of a company established to finance movie productions for Netflix and other streaming services.
      • Re Y: Acting for parties to a dispute between the shareholders in companies established to publish a successful computer game, concerning rights to a sequel and television spinoffs.
      • Re Q: Acting on a dispute between a provider of trading software and a provider of financial market data and news services.
    • International Arbitration

      Alec has significant experience of international arbitrations under LCIA, SIAC and ICC rules, as well as ad hoc arbitrations. His cases often involve issues arising out of a number of different legal systems.

      Recent cases include:

      • X v Y: Acting for the claimant in a substantial international commercial arbitration under SIAC rules arising out of the exercise of a put option concerning shareholdings in a multi jurisdiction joint venture in the commodities space.
      • Hunt v IPS Law LLP [2024] EWHC 3395 (Ch). Resisting an application for a stay under the Arbitration Act where the applicant sought to take the benefit of an arbitration clause under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.
      • A v B: Acting for the claimant in an international commercial arbitration under LCIA rules arising out of the placement of capital into a private equity fund.
      • X v Y: Substantial international commercial arbitration arising out of the proposed consolidation of an international corporate structure, involving crossclaims alleging various breaches of duty owed to a minority shareholder.
    • Professional Negligence

      Alec acts for both claimants and defendants in professional negligence claims, and is regularly instructed both by leading financial institutions and professional indemnity insurers in relation to claims, particularly those arising out of secured lending and financial services. Alec frequently deals with cases involving complex questions of liability and loss where security rights have been transferred or syndicated.

  • Directory Quotes

    Legal 500 Company (2024 )

    ‘Incredibly bright and a delight to work with, Alec is an outstanding advocate who goes above and beyond.’

    Legal 500 Banking and Finance (2024 )

    "His ability to grasp key issues and to explain them to finance professionals is extraordinary. His drafting is a very strong suit."

    CHAMBERS UK Chancery: Commercial (2023)

    "A very bright, capable and responsive lawyer, whose commercial and user-friendly approach makes life easy for those that instruct him."

    Chambers UK Commercial Client (2023)

    "Alec is frighteningly clever but also absolutely great with lay clients. He is extremely well organised and takes a meticulous approach without being pedantic."

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2022)

    “A sound and wise counsel, who is very user-friendly. He's good on his feet, he gets into the detail and clients like him.”

    Chambers UK Partnership (2022)

    “A rising star at the Bar who is extremely responsive and highly articulate." "He is great: he's very user-friendly, good on his feet and someone who gets into the detail.”

    Legal 500 UK Company (2022)

    “Good on detail and on his feet, user friendly and explains things very clearly to clients.”

    Legal 500 UK Banking and Finance (2022)

    “A banking and finance expert with particular subject matter specialisms in retail and commercial mortgage litigation. Understands the interplay of risk and reputation management in litigation strategy. A superb advocate who is second to none in conference.”

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2021)

    “He's a very, very classy performer." "He's hugely popular with clients and is very responsive.”

    Chambers UK Partnership (2021)

    “Immerses himself in the details of the case and is very easy to deal with." "He is user-friendly, very pragmatic and highly commercial.”

    Legal 500 UK Banking and Finance (2021)

    “Brilliantly clever, personable and fantastic on his feet – he is excellent with lay clients and puts them at their ease.”

    Chambers UK Partnership (2020)

    “Intelligent, delightful to work with and someone who has a good way with the clients.”

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2020)

    “He's amazing. If I had to choose a junior I would always choose Alec, he never lets me down. He's good on paper and good on his feet, he's the whole package.”

    Legal 500 UK Banking and Finance (2020)

    “An excellent all-round counsel, his swift mastery of complex facts and technical points of law always adds value.”

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2019)

    “Just extremely bright, he summarises issues well and is really clear on what the best course of action is. He is a good performer and brings a human element to his advocacy.”

    Chambers UK Partnership (2019)

    “Bright, responsive, clear and a pleasure to work with." "Alec's got a great ability to analyse everything and get to the bottom of what the issues are in a complicated case and explain them effectively to the layman.”

    Legal 500 UK Banking and Finance (2019)

    “Combines excellent advocacy skills with well-crafted, pragmatic written advice.”

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2018)

    “Exceptional on paper, he's very bright and has extremely good strategic sense." "Incredibly tenacious and proactive, he's not interested in winging things.”

    Chambers UK Partnership (2018)

    “Very hands-on, incredibly bright and someone who sees issues straight off - including solutions to matters you'd think hopeless." "In court, he's in control and quick on his feet: his analytical ability and speed of response are the best of any junior of his call that I've seen.”

    Chambers UK Chancery: Commercial (2017)

    “Incredibly intelligent, incredibly user-friendly and liked by clients.”

    Legal 500 UK Banking and Finance (2017)

    “Always on the top of his game and excellent at dealing with every type of client.”

  • Notable Cases


Chapman Scholarship

Scarman Scholarship

Stephen Seabrook Memorial Prize